*Hybrid* Budget & Finance Committee Meeting

Event Date: 
Thursday, March 16, 2023 - 6:00pm
Priority Business
1) TRAN00149_03_13_2023 Mayor: PRK Sal Parks Dir $32,500 to HR Unemployment Claims $20K, (B&F) HR Job Advertising $3K, PRK Maint-Equip $7K, PRK Restroom Rentals $2,500
2) ODNC00144_03_13_2023 Amend Ch 2-394 Departmental Revolving Funds
Medium Priority (hoping to get to)
1) ODNC00129_11_01_2022 Defining Conflict Rule for Dept. Heads (COTW)
2) ODNC00130_11_01_2022 Grants, Gifts, and Fees (COTW)
3) ODNC00132_11_14_2022 Mandated Reporting
Low Priority (may get to)
1) ORDR00336_03_28_2022 ARPA Amesbury 250K (COTW)