"Remote" Budget and Finance Meeting

Event Date: 
Monday, June 1, 2020 - 6:30pm

Join Zoom Meeting:
Please click the link below to join the webinar:


Or Telephone:
301 715-8592
Webinar ID: 856 0449 1308


  1. COMM244 - Continuing Appropriation Request 5-11-2020.
  2. TRAN070_03_09_2020 Free Cash (Lib Sal rev. 5/18/20) $25K to LIB Maint-Equipment $25K 
  3. TRAN079_05_26_2020 Rsv Appr-Legal Settlements $26,500 to LGL City Solicitor $26,500         
  4. TRAN080_05_26_2020 Gen Fund-Free Cash $81,796.57 to Snow & Ice-Labor $331.09, Snow & Ice-Expenses $81,465.48