Housing Production Plan Virtual Sub-Regional Session

Event Date: 
Thursday, September 28, 2023 - 6:00pm to 7:30pm

Newburyport residents are encouraged to join us for an engaging virtual session on the community and region’s current housing status. Learn about and discuss what work is underway to tackle housing challenges on the local level, as well as the tools and strategies that can be used to create further housing opportunity in Newburyport. This session is part of a series of engagement opportunities across the region to help inform local Housing Production Plan (HPP) updates and advance the conversation on housing in each community. Participants will be able to learn alongside residents of Amesbury, Andover, Groveland, North Andover, and Salisbury, followed by community-specific discussions where your observations, ideas, and vision for the future of housing will be shared. 

Please register for the session at https://cbuilding.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUvduCrpj0uHNDLkAQvVTEQtO7JHxS9sef5#/registration or by scanning the flyer QR code. We look forward to your participation and the opportunity to learn from you!

virtual public engagement session