5/14/19 ZBA Agenda

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Tuesday, May 14, 2019 - 7:00pm
Agenda ItemSummary
20 Dove Street

Request for minor modification

3 Donahue Court

2019-013 - Appeal - appeal of the 12/11/18 Notice of Violation from the Zoning Administrator in regards to plantings

Continued from 2/20/19 and 4/9/19.  Request to withdraw.

263 Water Street2019-028 - Special Permit for Non-Conformities - renovation and construction of small addition on pre-existing non-conforming lot2019-029 - Special Permit - demolition of more than 25% of exterior walls of a later added addition to the rear and side Continued from 4/23/19.
3 Arlington Street

2019-030 - Special Permit for Non-Conformities Move existing carriage barn forward, connect to home, and convert to in-law apartment. Construct approx. 132 s.f. single story addition to rear of carriage barn and 72 s.f. connector between barn and house. Demolish single story section at rear of house and construct 2-story addition over existing footprint.

2019-031 - Special Permit convert existing carriage barn to in-law apartment

342 Merrimac Street

2019-033 - Dimensional Variance construct new dwelling within the required front and side setback

390 Merrimac Street

2019-035 - Special Permit for Non-Conformities upward extension of pre-existing non-conforming front and rear yard setback