2/25/20 ZBA Agenda

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Tuesday, February 25, 2020 - 7:00pm
Agenda ItemSummary
71 Federal Street

2020-016 - Special Permit for Non-Conformities
construct 12'x22' detached garage resulting in an extension of pre-existing non-conforming lot coverage

35 Temple Street

2020-017 - Dimensional Variance
modify variance to remove existing one-story shed attached to rear of residential structure and construct one-story addition in same location with slightly larger footprint

61 Purchase Street

2020-018 - Special Permit for Non-Conformities
renovate and construct an addition to a pre-existing non-conforming structure

12 54th Street

2020-019 - Special Permit for Non-Conformities
construct single story addition to footprint and second story addition above existing section of single family structure on pre-existing non-conforming lot

Request for continuance.