1/22/19 ZBA Agenda

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Tuesday, January 22, 2019 - 7:00pm
Agenda ItemSummary
10 Carleton Drive

2019-008 - Special Permit for Non-Conformities - construct a mudroom/breezeway connecting residence to garage; and remove wooden ramp and construct a covered porch at front of residence

22 Lafayette Street

2019-010 - Special Permit for Non-Conformities - construct a 263 s.f. single story addition extending the pre-existing non-conforming rear setback

3 Upland Road

2019-006 - Special Permit allow an in-law apartment (Use #109) • 2019-006 - Special Permit for Non-Conformities construct a 1,157 s.f. addition to a pre-existing non-conforming structure

Continued from 1/8/19.