Malcolm Hoyt Drive Reconstruction

The Malcolm Hoyt Drive entrance into the Business/Industrial Park has been closed due to flooding during major storm events, such as the Mother's Day Storm of 2006.  The City applied for and was awarded a FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grant to perform a hydrologic and hydraulic study of the Little River Watershed in this area to determine the route cause of the flooding.  This Study determined that culvert on town line where Parker Street turns into Scotland Road is undersized.  The City is seeking funds to replace this culvert in hopes of improving the flow of stormwater runoff.

In the interim, the Engineering Division redesigned the portion of Malcom Hoyt Drive between Muliken Way and Parker Street by revising the horizontal and vertical alignment, replaced the cross-culvert with a larger diameter, and realigned the swales in hopes of preventing the road from being flooded during most storm events.  Unfortunately, funds were limited so we did not reconstruct the road per the new design.  The road was repaved in 2020 and was raised slightly to alleviate future flooding.