Waste Water Treatment Facility Odor Control Update - 08/18/15

Environmental Partners and Mr. Bowker were onsite last week and continued assessment of the biofilter and found with the fan running at 100%, the biofilter is only moving about 50% of the designed flow. The first biofilter cell is receiving about half the air flow of the other two (approximately 900/2200/2000 cfm).  The system seems to be balanced on the intake side. Bob Bowker measured the air flow from the headworks, the truck bay, the 2 main lines to the fan, and each of the 3 lines to the biofilter.

They also measured the biofilter area.  The total area matches the design, but the piping configuration does not.  The 3 main laterals into the biofilter are not centered on each cell.

Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) inspection was conducted on Friday.  The camera was inserted into the air supply laterals for cell 1, the main manifold, and main underground pipe running along the sludge handling building.  All are clear.

Next week:

  • Continue to work with vendors on odor control solutions, specifically biofilter options.
  • Contact the biofilter fan manufacturer to confirm the fan’s intended operating point.
  • Develop costs for the next steps, which include (re)constructing the biofilter and resolving the ventilation problems in the sludge press room and truck bay.
  • Scan the plans we received today for the Plum Island force main and evaluate the force main for chemical addition.
  • Bob Bowker will return and take additional samples.