Street and Sidewalk Improvement Plan

City Announces $2M Investment in Streets and Sidewalks

Mayor Sean Reardon is pleased to announce that the City will undertake a five-year, $2 million infrastructure plan to improve streets and sidewalks.

The plan will be presented to the City Council at its next meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 28.

The plan will reach all sections of the City, with Wards 1, 3, and 5 as the focus in the first year and Wards 2, 4, and 6 as the focus in the second year. It is anticipated that more than 30 streets will be paved in the first year.

Priorities will be set based on a 2020 review assessing the repair needs of all city streets, with additional consideration of geography and costs.

A map of the plan will be posted on the city website, and will include updates and repairs scheduled. Updates will be communicated through the website and city social media channels.

The project will be supported by state Chapter 90 infrastructure funding, local meals tax revenue, and grant opportunities.

“This is the largest single investment in our city’s roads and sidewalks in recent history,” Mayor Reardon said. “Our goal is to create a welcoming and more livable Newburyport, through general infrastructure repair and by improving accessibility so that all residents and visitors may enjoy the city.”

The Mayor’s Office and Department of Public Services are developing a process that will allow residents to petition to have their street included in the plan. A committee will review requests, and hearings will be held to receive feedback and allow residents to speak directly to City leaders.

A separate public meeting will be held annually to review the previous year’s progress and outline the coming year’s repair schedule.