Funding Will Enable City of Newburyport to Enter Third Year of Infrastructure Improvement Plan

Newburyport Streets & Sidewalks Plan

NEWBURYPORT – Mayor Sean Reardon is pleased to share that the City Council has approved $6 million in funding for an updated five-year road and sidewalk improvement plan.

Work in 2024-2028 is estimated to cost $10.9 million. City funding will be enhanced by $3.1 million in state Chapter 90 road funding, and $1.8 million from City meals tax revenue. The City will aggressively pursue grant funding to reduce the impact on taxpayers.

The City’s Streets and Sidewalks Improvement Plan page includes a spreadsheet that identifies sections of streets and sidewalks to be repaired, the general condition of the road or surface, the year in which work is scheduled and estimated cost. The 2024 plan adds further definition to which sidewalks will be repaired each year and adds an additional sidewalk and safety priority list of projects the City will take on as funding allows.

The plan is updated each year, with streets and sidewalks added following a review.

Individual streets and sidewalks were selected based on a 2020 report by engineering consultant BETA, which reviewed every street in the City. Through a comprehensive review, the City ranked projects based on surface conditions, geography, and cost.

Residents may petition to request a street or sidewalk be repaired, or request work be done earlier than scheduled.

The City will share project updates through its website and social media channels.

“Thank you to the City Council for once again supporting this important project,” Mayor Reardon said. “The work that has been completed to date has resulted in a significant improvement in the quality of life for our residents, and made the City an even more attractive destination for our visitors.”

Residents with questions or concerns are welcome to e-mail the Department of Public Services at or call 978-465-4464.