
Meeting date: 
Thursday, June 18, 2015

Emma L. Andrews Library and Community Center

                                          June 18, 2015

Minutes Regular Meeting

Aine Greaney called the meeting to order at 5:30 pm. The minutes of the May 2015 meeting were accepted as mailed on a motion by Susan Chase seconded by Elizabeth Valeriani.

Aine Greaney reported on working with Tom and Nel Horth on the format of the historic sign for the front of the building.  Dimensions of the sign, to be placed beside the front door, are tentatively set at 23 inches high by 50 inches wide with 3 inch margins.  The lettering will have to be about one inch high to be legible from the street.  The Association will work on the format.

Heather Rowe reported on the balance in the revolving account.  It is presently at $16,117.04.  The beginning balance on July 1, 2014 was $20,135.00; expenditures were $22, 931.71.  Commissioners attributed the large expenditure to the cost of the handicap ramp project.

Ms. Rowe explained in response to member questions that it is not possible to have separate logins for the Association and other users of the library computer.  She suggested that all users take care to back up their work since the city of Newburyport site does not provide backup to all users.

The Memorandum of Understanding between the city and the Emma Association now needs to be dated and signed.

Donna Conway reported on events coming up in the busy summer schedule.  Newburyport Youth Services will bring walking field trips on Wednesday mornings for story hour and crafts.  The Summer Programs are scheduled for Wednesday afternoons. Families may bring picnic lunch.  The presentations take place from 1:00pm to 3:00pm.   The Yard and Bake Sale is on the  July 25, first Saturday of Yankee Homecoming.  Monday Toddler Group wants to continue meeting all summer.  Pam Ellis has offered more books from the collection of the former Brown School.  Trails and Sails is scheduled for September with two presentations.  A morning watercolor demonstration will be done by local artist Anne Recchia painting the Plum Island Lighthouse, and an afternoon of music is offered by popular Mike Forney of Waterfront Park String Band. 

Susan Chase suggested that Suzanne DeWitt be asked to give her presentation of Emma Andrews at an afternoon tea for the celebration of the 110th anniversary of the Emma Andrews Library.

The meeting adjourned at 6:20pm.  The next meeting will be on July 16, 2015.