Additional Housing Programs

Chapter 689 - The Newburyport Housing Authority currently owns and maintains 16 units (2 homes) of 689-C State-aided Special Needs Housing and 8 units (1 home) of 689-3 State-aided Special Needs Housing. The NHA contracts with private vendors, who pay a monthly rent to the NHA, to operate the facilities. The vendors are also responsible for client intake and eligibility.




Alternative Housing Voucher Program - The NHA is currently authorized to administer several units of State-aided Vouchers. This program was established to provide housing to non-elderly disabled households. Participants receive a Voucher to obtain housing in the private sector and pay between 25-30% of their adjusted monthly income towards rent. Participants and their prospective landlord are required to enter into a 1 year self-renewing lease agreement. Landlords are also required to enter into a 1 year Housing Assistance Payment Contract with the NHA. 

Newburyport Affordable Housing Corporation - Additional information forthcoming